Friday, 6 May 2011

Yanjing Beer

As the name implies, this is a Chinese beer.  That's all it implies, though, because there's absolutely no further information about it on the 500ml can except for a gaggle of super happy exclamation points.  After a little online research, however, I've learned that it is most likely classified as a pale lager.

Incidentally, I was flipping through movie channels yesterday evening about the time that I poured this watery-looking clear yellow beer, and eventually got stuck on The Switch while waiting for something better to come on.

[I would now like to pause for a moment to briefly state that I'm not a rom-com kind of guy.  This situation was fraught with extraneous circumstances and was decidedly atypical, so please don't go leaping to any unwarranted assumptions.  Thank you, carry on.]

As I sipped this beer and was disappointed with how quickly the weak head disappeared with hardly any trace, I noted several definite similarities between Yanjing's pale lager and Jennifer Aniston's The Switch.  Both were uncomfortably sweet and fruity.  Both were watery and bland -- the beer was so bland, in fact, that I fancied I could actually taste the alcohol.  The beer was slightly prickly in the mouth, while Jennifer Aniston is always prickly on the brain [how the woman is considered to be one of the Hollywood elite when she hasn't done anything particularly more significant than Friends, I'll never know].  Neither was particularly chest-clutchingly bad, but they both felt generic and watery and boring.

Obviously, the movie and the beer were both designed to please the majority of rom-com affectionados and pale lager drinkers respectively by not including any element that might offend or overtax one's delicate taste and sensibilities.  They're both safe.  Unfortunately, this recipe makes for a boring brew and an agonizingly dull flick.

The Bottom Line:  This Super Happy Chinese Beer is Sure to Disappoint Due to it's Bland and Boring Taste!!!

The Rating: The beer will get an Eh rating as soon as I'm finished yawning.  The Switch gets a profound and deserving Yuck.

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