Saturday, 21 May 2011

Moxie's Big Life Amber Ale

Moxie's "Big Life" beers are brewed for them by Big Rock Brewery.  In order to comply with Truth-In-Advertising laws [Do they have those in Canada?], it should probably be renamed, "Nothing Special".

Big Life Amber Ale pours a rich copper with a nice white head that disappeared before I was ready for it to and left little tracing behind.  I tried my best to get a whiff of this thing, even going so far as to stick my nose within a hair's breadth of the head, but to no avail.

Despite being a called an ale, this brew doesn't differ in mouthfeel or body from your average lager.  Diving in, the carbonation is probably the first thing you'll notice, followed by a barky bitter tang that makes the sides of your tongue tingle.  There's a pleasant woody flavor buried somewhere in there, but the hops and roasted malt do a good job of covering it up.

The Bottom Line:  I felt a bit gypped as I was given a copper-colored lager instead of the well-bodied ale I was expecting.  Still, it was significantly better than the mass-marketed crap that most places serve (Fort Garry Pale, for instance), which lends it a much-needed "Get Out Of 'Eh' Free" card.

The Rating: Not Bad.

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