Sunday, 31 July 2011

Anchor Steam Beer

I've been eyeing this West Coast brew at my local MLCC for quite some time, but never tried it until today.  The anchor logo and squat bottle have always intrigued me, conjuring up grainy, yellowed images of bearded sea captains and chugging trawlers.

Anchor Steam pours a nice coppery color with a creamy off-white head.  Lacing is slight, but sticky.    It's full and nutty on the nose, with malt and hops taking center stage.  Likewise on the palate, where the sweet malt and rounded profile are both pleasing and refreshing.  Tapers off with a slightly crispy bitterness.

The Bottom Line:  This nicely balanced and no-nonsense brew went well with my spicy dinner and was the perfect ending to a long, hot day.

The Rating:  Good Stuff.

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