Sunday, 10 June 2012

Harvestoun Brewery Old Engine Oil Engineer's Reserve

I've been drinking some very good beers lately.  Last night I had the Lily Flagg milk stout by Straight to Ale, a local brewery here in Huntsville, Alabama.  It's one of my favorites, and is included in my prior post about Beerfest.  See below.

The night before that I enjoyed a Red Brick Brown Ale, which I also tried at Beerfest.  It was at least as good as I remembered it, and perfect for an evening of friends and laughter.

Right now, however, I'm absolutely floored.  I just poured a glass of Harviestoun Brewery's Old Engine Oil Engineer's Reserve.

This is the stuff dreams are made of.  I'm blown away by the notes of spice, chocolate, coffee, and a hint of yeasty goodness.  It's like an imperial stout, only better.

The bottle description is even good:

The intensely flavoured but incredibly smooth Engineer's Reserve is our fabulous Old Engine Oil brewed up to 9% alc./vol.  Three hop varieties -- grassy Fuggles, spicy East Kent Goldings, and fruity Galena -- are combined with roast barley providing a slightly burnt, toasted coffee character.  Enjoy a bottle after dinner and take time to savour the earthy, hop fruity flavours of this spectacularly dark, rich beer.

This has so easily blown away my previous favorites that I'm tempted to come up with a new category.  For now, though, just know that it's the best thing I've ever tasted, and will definitely find it's way into my glass on special occasions.  It's a bit pricey for anything more often, weighing in at $6.09 for a twelve ounce bottle.

This was the perfect end to a great weekend.  The flavor and aroma is the best I've experienced.  In fact, it's Legendary.