Sunday, 11 September 2011

Hockley Valley Black and Tan

A "Black and Tan" is blend of pale ale and dark beer, often poured in such a way as to create a layered effect.  In some cases, the two are simply mixed together.  When a pale lager is substituted for the ale, it's called "Half and Half".

In this case, it's a blending of Hockley Stout and a specially-brewed ale to stand in as the "tan".  This delightful brew pours out a rich dark mahogany with a creamy tan head that gently exudes the aromas of smoke, coffee, chocolate, and sweet malt.  The taste is a subtle explosion of sorts, bursting with all of the aforementioned presences with breathtaking richness and harmony that takes one's breath away.

The Bottom Line: I ran out of this liquid awesomeness last night, slurped the last precious drops from the bottom of my glass, and *may* have tried to lick the Hockley Valley website.

The Rating: Good Stuff.

Holsten Festbock

I like the contrast of light and dark, so I grabbed this dunkler bock from Holsten Brauerei last night to pair with my Hockley Valley brown ale.

Holsten has been brewing since the mid nineteen hundreds, and it shows in this classic bock.  Clear and coppery in color, it spouts an odd, fizzy, soda-like head that dissipates quickly and disappointingly without leaving a ghost of a trace behind save for the occasional prickly bubble.   It's pleasantly nutty and malty on the nose, exciting the imagination with visions of a crackling hearth, a soft chair, and quiet conversation.

The taste was surprising in it's sweetness, and even more so in how well it works.  Starting off slightly bitter, the flavor flowers into buttery caramel, roasted malt, and a rounded sweetness that finishes smoothly.

The Bottom Line: A good choice for sipping by a fire with good friends.

The Rating: Not Bad.